Ricky Dickson – Author (One Scoop At a time) / Former CEO of Blue Bell Creameries

Ricky Dickson
Take a walk with me down Fascination Street as I get to know Ricky Dickson. Having spent his entire working career at the Blue Bell Creameries; Ricky retired as CEO. In this episode, we chat about how he came to work for Blue Bell, a little bit of the history of the company, and how he rose to the rank of CEO. Along the way, we discuss some of the pitfalls he had to deal with. We also talk about some of the amazing successes, the effects of some natural disasters on the company as a whole, and some fun ice cream stories. I share the details of a trip to the Blue Bell headquarters that I took with my family some years back, and I pitch Ricky my own ice cream flavor! All of this was a blast. But the most important thing we discussed; was God’s Plan for Ricky. All throughout the journey of his personal life and career. Ricky knew from an early age that God has something special in mind for him. We get into when he knew, and how hard it was to stay focused, and trust in God’s Plan. Lucky for us, Ricky has revealed all of this and more in his new book ‘One Scoop at a Time: Stories & Lessons From Fear to Faith’. This amazingly inspiring book comes out JULY 6th EVERYWHERE, as well as Amazon and OneScoopAtATime.com This really is an engrossing book, filled with laughter, heartache, hope, and faith. So get somewhere that sells Blue Bell ice cream, and crack open this book!